Hometown Pride/etc 韓国の国家競争力20位、日本は38位 ツララカララ™ 2024. 6. 24. 18:31 韓国の国家競争力20位で「過去最高」…ドイツは24位、日本は38位(中央日報日本語版) - Yahoo!ニュース World Competitiveness Ranking - IMD business school for management and leadership courses World Competitiveness Ranking - IMD business school for management and leadership courses Why a competitiveness ranking? An economy’s competitiveness cannot be reduced to just its GDP and productivity; political, social and cultural dimensions are a reality for enterprises, too. Governments play a crucial role, by providing an environment cha www.imd.org booklet_wcy_2024.pdf Booklet_WCY_2024.pdf 3.71MB 国際経営開発研究所 - Wikipedia